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Scientific and Responsible Data Science Produce the Best Results  

Building the Analytics Organization



Let's create what's known as a 'responsible analytics organization" (Hall, et al., 2021).

A responsible analytics organization leverages the insights of a diverse staff and other advisors who represent the experiences of the people to whom you want to generalize.  


A responsible analytics organization acquires, protects, and uses data representing populations of interest.  Let's find the data and create or acquire the other analytic resources needed to produce this organization.

A responsible analytics organization uses secure, human-centered approaches that shed insight on the ethical ramifications of the models they produce.


A responsible analytics organization strives for transparency and explainability, building the trust in your analytic processes and results. 

Analytic Strategies to Create Value



George Box famously said that "all models are wrong, but some are useful." 


The best models are created and deployed using input from relevant domain expertise and input from the literature, experts, end-users, and research subjects who are most affected by the offerings powered by your analytic insights.   Let's leverage that domain expertise and the wisdom of your clients and the stakeholders they serve. 

The wisdom of the crowd + the power of machine learning can create and deploy the most accurate and transparent models, with minimum bias.


The right analytic strategies and roadmaps are the ones that create the most value for your clients and stakeholders.


Our strategy will focus on innovative analytics which can differentiate your firm by creating insights your clients need.  This can improve your competitive position and help create new markets for your services.

Guiding Precepts for Collaboration



I recommend a focus on strategy, defined as a long-term approach to producing value.


Blue ocean strategy is a particular kind of strategy involving the search for ways to solve common problems for new clients, within and across industries.

Domain expertise helps guide the analytic process.

Causality considerations and a scientific approach are keys to creating useful insights.


Person- / client-centered approaches assure focus on key stakeholders.

Personal and social determinants of health and wellbeing drive outcomes.

Equity matters.


Let's get Started!



All services are provided under contract, using mutually acceptable and balanced terms and conditions.  Services to small, non-profit organizations are offered at reduced charge!


Services for others can be purchased hourly or by subscription, plus reimbursement for other allowable costs.  

With reference to the figure above, we'll start by considering the problem(s) you want to solve for your organization or your clients.  A clear and complete understanding of these will guide every other step of the process.  

I will work with your analytic staff and others across your organization.  This collaboration will yield the best results.

To maximize security and minimize risk I will not access or use your data or environment directly.  I will help guide how your staff works with your data and environments.  Your data and resources do not need to leave your organization.

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